3-2022 (Gazette) Russia-Ukraine War

Russia-Ukraine War

Original by Dr. Steve Wong 黃楚祺博士


Today is the eleventh day of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has claimed thousands of lives, including civilians, women, and children. In addition, more than a million refugees have fled to Poland and other European countries. This war caught the attention of people worldwide, mainly because of its far-reaching economic and political impact. The world’s leading media keep broadcasting the latest situation and analysis of the war. Thanks to advanced information technology, we can receive videos sent with the mobile phones of Ukrainian civilians, showing the latest situation in the country. It is very moving to see the scenes of Ukrainian citizens voluntarily offering to participate in the war to defend their country and democracy and ready to die for their country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in military uniform, joined the soldiers in the war. At the same time, he held talks with the US President, British Prime Minister and EU heads of state, requesting military support and supplies. President Zelensky, who was never involved in the military before nor had led the country in times of war, won unanimous praise from public opinion, in particular, when he refused the President of the United States to provide him with personal protection and asylum to allow him to escape, he said instead, “what we want now are weapons, not escape routes”. The media reports daily how he is leading the country’s citizens to resist the war and communicates with the leaders of various countries. His talent and courage has deeply touched many people and won their respect.


After the Second World War, we had wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. These wars seem far from us because of their location and influence. Geographically, Ukraine is a European democratic country with over 40 million and is the largest country in Europe. It is neighbored by countries such as Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania which are all democratic countries. EU and NATO countries do not want to see Ukraine in Russian hands because it threatens the EU and democracies. Although the United States and European countries are not directly involved in military activities, they provide a lot of military supplies and technical support. The Russian side sent over 200,000 troops to invade Ukraine, initially hoping to invade and annex Ukraine quickly and exercise Russian sovereignty. Unexpectedly, Ukraine has the support of EU countries, the United Kingdom and the United States, and the tenacious fighting capacity of its people. Due to the increased uncertainties, it will take some time before the final result is known.


Russian President Vladimir Putin argues that Ukraine is a historical vassal state of Russia. He alsopointed out that the Ukrainian President is a promoter of Nazi ideas and is afraid Ukraine will become a Nazi state, so he must prevent it. There is public opinion that Zelensky is of both Jewish and Russian ancestry. Anyway, in today’s civilized society,we have learned through history about the tragedies, sufferings and shame brought by wars and the painful memories which can never be undone. We should not fall into the narrow nationalist trap, which can entail an out of control situation.



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