FUKUTOMI GAZETTE – Physiological Age vs. Actual Age

Original by Dr. Steve Wong

August 10, 2023

In my recent medical examination, the doctor carefully reviewed various results data and expressed interest in my diet and lifestyle. Surprisingly, she found that I do not have a fatty liver, and my blood vessels are not hardened or calcified. I also do not suffer from high blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol, unlike others of the same age who often experience prostate enlargement and other age-related chronic diseases. She was impressed with my health condition and intended to share my experience with other patients because my physiological age appears younger than my actual age. I felt elated to know that my efforts in maintaining good health have not been in vain.

The doctor previously noticed that I never take health supplements, which she emphasized as necessary for liver health. Besides, I shared with her my exercise routine. I usually run for 30 minutes and increase the pace until my heart rate reaches 160 beats per minute before slowing down. As for sleep, I go to bed early and usually fall asleep by 10:30 PM. Sometimes, I wake up at 3:00 AM for meetings, but I always take a nap in the afternoon, which is the best way to restore energy.

She asked about my habits regarding smoking and drinking. I told her that I used to smoke and drink daily, but now, I only drink occasionally during social events. Luckily, she did not criticize these habits nor ask me to quit. I also mentioned that I practice intermittent fasting, sometimes having only two meals a day, mainly at noon and before 8 PM, and occasionally, I only have one meal a day.

Regarding my dietary choices, I am pretty selective. I avoid carbonated drinks and beverages with additives, preferring to drink tea, water, and coffee. As for food, I avoid carbohydrates such as porridge, noodles, rice, and genetically modified organisms like soybeans, corn, and canola oil, and processed foods like sausages, canned goods, hamburgers, fries, and potato chips. Moreover, I never indulge in any snacks. I also minimize my consumption of sugar and sugary foods. Animals and plants grown in natural environments are the healthiest, so I avoid consuming farmed livestock and fish and plants cultivated using pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemical substances.

I drink plenty of green tea daily and have two cups of coffee. I often eat raw carrots and tomatoes, as well as various nuts. Whether at home or during business trips, I eat more vegetables and fish and only occasionally consume meat. When choosing fish, I prioritize wild-caught, low-value varieties, as they are generally healthier than some high-value fishes, which are often farmed and contain antibiotics. I seldom take deep-sea fish, as they may contain heavy metals.

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